Lokoy’s new tune ‘Two Too Many’ is simply delightful. Built around the timeless sound of an old Casio keyboard, the Norwegian musician renders a light-touch to this quirky pop tune with its instantly catchy lyrics. It’s one of those tracks you happily bop along to, singing as you do, “I’ve tried one time to love you / two times to love you,” along with Lasse Lokøy’s airy affectual vocal. One line that might fly under your radar, but is in fact where this track began is “We yelled in the streets, held hands in the streets,” which was inspired by a moment of eavesdropping. As Lokoy shares: “I overheard an elderly professor telling a story about an outrageous neighbourhood where he heard people yelling in the streets and holding hands. I thought to myself that it was hilarious that this man was so deeply shocked of such a natural, emotional, human behaviour. There's something special about being with someone who'll yell at you, and who you can yell at, and then a minute later you will hold hands.” It’s that magic which Lokoy evokes through his playful production and considered word choice. - Hannah Thacker (Photo credit: August Kraft Fossmark)
